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Fiona Betiviou

Fiona Betiviou

Plus de 20 ans d'expérience en tant que gestionnaire de talents, ayant dirigé des équipes nord-américaines et des programmes mondiaux dans les secteurs pharmaceutique et financier.

I have more than 20 years of experience as a talent executive, having led North American teams and global programs in the Pharma and Financial industries. My career has specialized in talent development, cultural transformation, global succession planning and career transition coaching.

As a talent leader, I take pride in having supported and guided the career paths of hundreds of business professionals cross-industries. With a post graduate certificate in executive coaching, I have specialized in the development of leaders and building leadership programs to support their growth.

As a coach, my vision is to lift people up so that they feel empowered and emboldened to make new career and personal pathways. I do this by providing authentic and action-focused coaching for business leaders seeking new ways of working and developing.

How I show up as an executive coach is guided by my three core values of authenticity, integrity and high performance.

My specialties include:
• Coaching leaders during times of transformational and organizational change 
• Career transition coaching with a focus on seeking different paths
• Unlocking conversations to discover new ways of working, adapting and thriving

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